Monday, August 31, 2009

Children's Museum of Virginia

We had a busy and fun weekend. On Saturday we went to the Children's Museum of Virginia. It wasn't really worth the price, but it did keep Joey occupied for a while.
And Earl too, apparently.

They had a massive collection of trains and tracks. They had these bubbles that you could go into and be inside the train track. Joey loved them.

His favorite part was the bubbles section. He got to stand inside while his Dad made a bubble around him, so he was inside a bubble.

They had this little kid town set up, with a bank, market, bus, firetruck, motorcycle, doctor/dentist office where they got to go in and play pretend.


  1. RLOL..your right, obviously the two boys enjoyed it! Gosh, Joey looks soo small in that really big purple chair!
