Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Josiah is such a little man. He still loves school and does great there. He loves science and art the most. He is still very much obsessed with Legos. He is getting into the Star Wars Lego theme now, but still loves Ninjago too. He loves Marvel superheros, especially Ironman. He loves the Avengers. He's still the sweetest, most generous and forgiving big brother. He and Tanner share a room, and most nights (especially since Earl's been gone), Tanner sleeps with Joey in Joey's bed, even though his bed is just a few steps away from Joey's.

He's lost 2 bottom teeth so far. Still hasn't had any cavities. He's learned how to play Chess at school and loves it. He loves computer games. He gets on m Facebook account to play some Facebook games there, and he's got this Roblox site with games he loves. He could really spend all day on the computer if I let him. He's been selected to participate in these pull out sessions at school because of his academic potential. It gives him more challenges and skill building practice. He loves to read. He enjoys reading those massive Bible story books, and for fiction  he likes the A to Z Mystery books. He's in 2nd grade, but is reading at a 4th grade level.

He gave up TaeKwonDo this year because he wasn't really enjoying it anymore. He loves Cub Scouts, still and is doing very well. He loves doing crafts.

He would argue with a stop sign. When I tell him that, he argues about it. He is so clever and funny sometimes. He likes his hair long and it's a battle sometimes to get him a trim.


Update on the middle child. Tanner is as funny as ever. He's had a very hard time adjusting to his daddy's deployment, though, so it's brought out alot of aggression and rage that we hadn't really seen in him before. I've been reading lots of Positive Parenting books and have gotten much better at learning how to get him through the tough moments. His loving side is SOOO loving. He can be so sweet and thoughtful and just downright delightful.
He loves school. He goes 3 days a week, for half days. He especially loves singing and dancing. His L's still sound like Y's and he starts skipping numbers when he gets to 13. He loves monkeys still. And still enjoys Elmo. He loves superheroes, especially Spiderman and Hulk. Ironman and Captain American are runners up. His favorite cartoons are Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig. He and Joey will watch the movie Rise of the Guardians over and over and over again.
One day, me, Tanner and Joey were discussing if Tanner would grow up and have kids. Tanner said he would. Joey said, "but first you have to get a m--" (he was about to say a mommy, but Tanner interrupted...) Tanner jumps in and says, "I know, I know. First I have to get a mustache." We died laughing. So funny.

Another funny story. We were at Cub Scouts one night. Joey's a Wolf now. There's also Tigers and Bears. Tanner heard someone direct someone to the Bears room.  A few minutes later, he started asking to go see the Pandas. I had no idea what he was talking about. Finally I figured out that he thought the Bears were actual Panda Bears across the hall. He was pretty disappointed. We need to get up to Aunt Angie's and visit the DC zoo.

He goes to Awanas at Church, where he memorizes Bible verses and has other fun. He enjoys going to Cub Scouts with Joey, even though he's not old enough yet. He loves playing in water. Water hose, water puddles, sinks, bath tubs, you name it.

He doesn't like wearing pants. He's usually got them before we're all through the front door when we come home. He cut his own hair not too long ago, so he's sporting a buzz cut these days. He loves the big red slide at Sonic. I can't get him to leave there when we go. So we don't go often. But he loves it. He wants that slide in his backyard.

Brinley's 9 Months!

Boy is this girl growing fast. She's full of spunk, attitude, and adorableness. She drives me crazy with her unpredictable sleeping and eating times. She already loves her brothers like crazy. She knows how to crawl, clap, say Ma Ma and Da Da, and maybe Jo Jo, too. She smiles at Earl's picture on the wall like she remembers him, even though she was just 3 months old when he deployed. She has no teeth yet, but seems to be teething non-stop. She despises the car seat even more than her brothers did, if that's possible.

She's not crazy about being strapped in a high chair, either, for that matter. She eats a little of the solids I feed her, but not much.  Her eyes are still  that beautiful gray newborn color. Her hair seems to be Joey's dark shade of brown. She was in the 93rd percentile for weight a couple months ago, but since she's more mobile, she's dropped down to the 60-something percentile, which the doctor said is completely normal. Her massive cheeks are starting to thin out. She wears size 18 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

She wants to pull up so bad. We work on it a little, but not too much. I'm kinda hoping she waits for her Daddy to come home for that. She's definitely a Mama's girl right now, and doesn't appreciate anyone else trying to hold her or take her from me. She has slept through the night maybe 3 times since August, where as before that, she was an awesome all-night sleeper. She puts anything and everything in her mouth, but seems to prefer the strings that break off the shag rug from the living room. Oh, and chalk. And paper.

She definitely knows her name, and recognizes her brother's name. All I have to do is say that one of them is coming, and she looks to the door for them to walk in the room.

I've been off dairy for her sake, for many months now. So I'm starting to ease back into that and see if it gives her the horrible upset stomach issues it did when she was tinier. If that goes good, I'll even try to get a little caffeine in my body.

She gives kisses, blows raspberries (in the air and on skin), copies squeals and sounds you make to her, imitates you sticking out your tongue at her, and has her very own monster growl.

She's our precious, clever, amazing little girl. And her daddy can't wait to get home and hold all 20 lbs. of her chunkiness.

She had a very rough start, but she's healthy and full of life now. Happy 9 months, sweet Brinley.