Thursday, July 30, 2020

Birthdays 2020

What a year, and it is only July. It's been years since I posted last. I'd really like to get a memorial post for my mom written and shared. So I'll plan for that next. For now, I just want to put up some pictures.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the kids haven't been to school since March. This fall they will all start out virtual learning, doing live classes with their teachers 4 days a week. Brinley starts 2nd grade, Tanner 5th, and little Josiah is in high school now! A freshman. I'm praying constantly that this thing gets under control soon and schools can open up full time for the kids. They do not thrive in online conditions.

All three of them have celebrated their birthdays this year without friends, since everyone is social distancing.

Brinley is into Disney's Descendants these days, so that was her chosen theme this year.
She turned 7. 

Tanner still loves Spider-man, so he went with the tried and true for his theme. He turned 10.

Joey turned 14 and  doesn't care about themes anymore. He requested a red velvet cake and that's about all.