Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Joey and Friends

Joey and Evie Mae got naked to play in the pool and then decided they needed to go poop in the woods. They didn't actually, they just said that's where they were going.

While we were back in Jacksonville briefly, Joey got to have one last playdate with some friends.

We went to Deja's 8th birthday party the other day. She had a Birthday Fashion and Talent show.

While the show was going on, we found Kiara and Joey out on the porch, doing their own thing.

Joey can now add with his fingers, as long as the numbers he add together can be counted using one hand. If you say, what's 2 plus 3, he'll hold up 2 fingers on one hand, and 3 on the other, and count them together to get the answer. He's getting very logical. :) He is still pretty hilarious too. The other night when I was laying him down for bed, I had to lay with him (he won't go to sleep alone anymore...guess we'll fix that when we finally get a new house), and I asked if he'd have good dreams that night (he wakes up with nightmares just about every night), he said yes. Then a minute later he said he had a dream. And counted on his fingers, "I dreamed about (held up 1 finger) roly polys, (held up 2nd finger) snakes, (3rd finger) porcupine balls, and (4th finger) ____ (i can't remember the 4th thing)." I asked him what the roly polys were doing in his dream, and he said they were sleeping.
Then he said, Did you have a dream? And I said no because I couldn't go to sleep because he was talking to me. So I closed my eyes and he said, "Did you have a dream yet?" and I said no, because he was still talking. So I close my eyes again and he whispered, "Mom, I'm not talking to you."
Then last night, he said he was dreaming about "stop signs and red porcupine balls" (counted them on his fingers as well).

1 comment:

  1. My nephew is ADORABLE!! Makes me just wanna squeeze him right now. I'd be happy to give up a little sleep to have him whispering cute little things like that. It's precious!
