Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Boys

I hope they get along so well forever, but I know better. But for now, they are so funny together. Joey loves entertaining Tanner, and Tanner loves laughing at Joey, and trying to get toys out of Joey's hand, and chasing Joey's shoes.

Joey is very good, so far, at sharing toys, too. He just wants to make his little brother happy.

Sometimes when we're eating something yummy, Joey says, "Sorry, Tanner. You can't eat this yet. Maybe when you grow up."

Tanner's sleeping is pretty sporadic. He went a few weeks of sleeping through the night, then he stopped, now it's back to eating through the night once or twice, but he's going back to sleep much better than before. I'm finally not going through the day like a zombie.

Joey's newest obsession is dinosaurs. He's always been slightly interested, but ever since the new show Dino Dan came on Nick Jr, that's all he talks about. He can name more dinosaurs than probably you or I combined knew existed. He made his own book, where he drew 10 dinosaurs on 10 separate pieces of paper, then sounded out their name on his own and wrote it there (the way he thinks it's spelled) and then had me staple it together. It's adorable! I need to hurry and scan it before it's worn out and unreadable. He imagines dinosaurs are around the house, stealing food or toys, biting things (he puts pen holes in paper and says it's dinosaur bite marks), just like Dino Dan does.

He wanted his picture taken with some dinosaurs and Tanner.

I love these shoes on Tanner!

Joey insisted on going on a Dinosaur hunt on Wednesday. His daddy took him to some trails at a nearby park. They had backpacks packed with snacks, binoculars, Joey's dinosaur book (helps him identify which dinosaur he's seeing), water, a safari vest thing complete with his markers in the pocket (wish I would have gotten a picture) and more I'm sure. They spent hours out there. On Wednesday, Joeys says they found 3 dinosaurs and 1 in the water that didn't come up. They went back again on Thanksgiving and found a bunch more (at a different place). Joey nicely offered to let me and Tanner come, but also said he wanted it to be just Daddy/Joey time, so me and the baby have been hanging out waiting at home for the dinosaur stories. They are apparently going back again today. He does know that dinosaurs don't live anymore, though. He just likes to pretend. If you ask him his favorite dinosaur, he'll start naming pretty much every one he knows. But Ankylosaurus (sp?) is usually one of the first. He likes that big club-like tail and body armor.

Tanner enjoyed his first Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 22, 2010

6 months old!

This first picture is Joey on the day he turned 6 months old (Jan 29, 2007).

I took this picture of Tanner on the day he was supposed to get his 6 month check up (he was actually 6 1/2 months old--and the hospital didn't have any parking, so I didn't make that appointment, we went the following week). I didn't have Joey's picture handy when I took Tanner's, I just rememered that he was wearing the Elmo outfit from my mom and that he was sitting on the changing table. I can see a lot of similarities and a lot of differences.
Joey's eyes were brown-brown when he was a baby, Tanner's just now is settling on brown, after months of back and forth of hazel and green too. And his brown is a lot lighter than Joey's.
Tanner weighs more at 6 1/2 months than Joey did at 8 months, so Tanner's got some more meat on those baby bones.
Joey was already pulling up to standing at 6 1/2 months, Tanner still loses his balance sitting on his own. He's no wear near standing yet.
It's so funny how similiar and how different your own kids can be. Tanner's personality has really come through. He's so happy most of the time. He loves to laugh and smile. He's much better in the car seat than Joey was. He seems to sing and coo a lot. He still adores his big brother. He loves hanging out in Joey's room and playing with Joey.
He gives these sloppy, big, wet, open-mouth kisses to us. He was sleeping through the night for a few weeks, but the past week or two, he's waking up to eat twice during the night. But he goes back to sleep much better than before, so I'm not losing as much sleep as I was before he turned 6 months. He's eating solids twice a day now. He weights 16.04 lbs. He's 27 inches long. He loves the dogs, and tries to hold onto them whenever they get close. He really loves remotes. When he's extremely sleepy, he gets so giggly and will chuckle so loud over nothing. If he's falling asleep in our arms, he likes to put his hand up and touch our face or neck as he falls asleep. Sometimes he even falls asleep with his fingers in my mouth. He's hilarious.

October 2010

I am so behind on uploading the blog, so this post is just a hodgepodge of pictures from October.