Joey went and put a hat on one day after seeing Earl in his:

Joey said he tried on all of his hats, but this was the one he wanted that day (it's the only one that looked like his daddy's). So cute! They are also wearing their matching sweaters they got for Christmas from Dad and Wanda. :)

We got the big snow (well, big for us. almost a foot of it) a couple weeks ago and Joey got to make his first big snowman. Last year in NC we had a 6 inch snowman or something, because that's all we could do.

Joey ran and got one of his buckets for the snowman's hat.

His favorite thing to do in the snow was throw snowballs.

He had a hard time trying to get the dogs from getting too close to the snowman. He was afraid they'd knock it down. They were just interested in the cocoa puffs we used for the mouth and eyes, that kept dropping down into the snow below.

Earl, thinks he's cute for throwing snowballs at me (and my expensive camera!)

Monkey see, Monkey do.

My handsome prince Lars. :)

My chocolate chunky monkey, Thor. The dogs LOVE LOVE the snow. They haven't got to really play in any since we were stationed in Bridgeport, CA, where we got tons of snow!

At preschool a few weeks ago, Joey had Pajama day. It was his turn to hold the flag for the pledge of alligence that day.

We have only 9 more weeks till we do the first amniocentesis (sp?) to see if the baby's lungs are ready. If they are, we'll be having the c-section that next day. So as early as April 13th, the new little guy will be here. We're getting closer to having him named, but not yet. :)
Joey's doing well, still loves preschool. He's eating a little better these days, but still not a big eater. He got 2 new Zhu Zhu hamsters this weekend, and his favorite thing to do with them all is put them to bed. :) He has beds and covers for them.
Nothing else new is really going on here. :) We're just getting ready for the new baby. I've washed all Joey's old baby clothes that I kept (up to 6 months) and have those ready for the baby. I started stocking up on diapers (well, I have 1 box so far) and wipes.
Aww, loved the pics! Wish i was there!! I will be soon...maybe 9 weeks..LOL.. Luv ya'll.