I guess I should take advantage of the time that Joey is my sole focus, since this baby will be here in a matter of weeks (it is still unnamed!) and I'll have to share the attention. Joey's been doing lots of interesting things lately. He, I guess, misses me taking so many pictures (back when we actually went places and did things that I loved taking pictures of), so he started the phase of asking me to take pictures of him or make a movie of him. So most of these pictures, he requested. His favorite toys right now are his pet monkeys and his zhu zhu hamsters. Each of them have their own favorite colors and favorite things to do. He also still loves his horse on a stick and is begging me to go buy his baby brother one today.

He asked me to take this picture of him with 2 of his zhu zhu hamsters. Sometimes he'll ask to see it on the computer and when I pull it up, he says, "there's chocolate on my mouth because Daddy gave me chocolate even though I didn't eat my supper."

Joey had his valentines party at preschool on the 12th and had a blast with the craft they had for him. They put his name on a door knob hanger and let him decorate it with hearts, birds and XO stickers. Then they handed out their valentines to their classmates.

Aunt Angie sent the purple monkey from Iraq for the new baby, but Joey is taking care of it until the new baby gets here. :) He named it Purple Monkey.

Joey's new obsession is camoflauge. I wrote in the last post how he found his camo hat and sweater one day to look like Earl. He rarely goes without those 2 items anymore. Just around the house he has to wear them.

He will go and grab random things and ask me to take his picture.

Of course I never have a rag handy when he wants his picture taken, in order to clean up his face and nose. :)

He loved his valentine from mommy (hershey kisses, his favorite).

This morning he demanded to wear his camoflauge clothes (he requests them most everyday and doesn't like it when they are dirty or in the wash). He wanted camo socks too, but all we had were green ones that had camo at the top of them. He also wanted to wear his camo crocs, but could only find one of them, so he was okay with wearing one camo and one red! :) His last obsession was red, he says he wants to wear "full red" (meaning all red) clothes, but that's wearing off and now he's more into the camo. I asked him why he loves the camo and he says because he wants to look like Daddy. Melts my heart! :)

Today Joey told me, "I wish someone would come and clean our house so you have more time to play with me." That was sweet, but funny, since I rarely use the excuse that I'm cleaning and can't play (because I'm rarely cleaning!). He's doing so good with math. He's not learning that at preschool yet, but he's known how to add on his fingers for a long time now, and has now got some of the addition problems memorized without counting on his fingers (5+5, 3+3, and 2+2 I know for sure, because he said those this morning). Also, even more amazing to me, is his ability to do word problems he makes up. In the car the other day, he told me there's 4 more zhu zhu hamsters he wants and doesn't have yet. He said he has 5 at home. Then he said, "I don't know how many I should have. What's 5 plus 4?" (talking to himself) and he counts on his fingers and says, "Mom, I should have 9 hamsters!" I think he's brilliant! It's crazy to me that a 3 year old would think like that. Maybe it's normal and right on track, but I'm impressed and that's what matters. He he. He's very eager to have his baby brother here, as we all are. I'm officially in the 3rd trimester now and have only a couple months till they perform the first amnio to see if the baby's lungs are developed. If so, we'd have the c-section April 13th. If not, they'll schedule another amnio for a week later. We registered Joey for Pre-K next year, which is Mon-Fri, 8:30am-Noon. I can't believe it's already time for him to be in school 5 days a week! Although, with a new baby, it probably will help.
Wow, he IS soo smart! I love hearing the things he says and does. School--wow-he's growing up so fast.Thanx for sharing the great pics with us. I snagged 'em..LOL..Luv ya!