We don't get our furniture until Thursday, so there's no use in posting pics of empty rooms, so instead, here's the link to the pictures of the house when it was put on the market for sale last month (I think they were seeing which could happen faster: a buy offer or a renter).
Me and Joey will be heading to Asheville next weekend as soon as our stuff gets here so that we can spend a little time with Angie during her leave, before she heads to Iraq. Poor Earl will have the whole house to himself. :)
About our new home: Earl's friend he met here when he first got to VA for school and became motorcycle riding buddies with, invited us to his church and we really liked it a lot. Joey loved it too. And they do preschool there during the school year that I plan on enrolling Joey in this week. He starts in Sept. It will be 3 days a week, for 3 hours. My boy is growing up. ;) Also, we're only about 3 minutes from a Walmart shopping center. And Earl has about a 25-30 drive to work (which is about 25 min less than he was having to drive from the campground).
There are many many playgrounds in the area for Joey to enjoy. And we haven't yet visited the beaches but that will be soon.
Thanx for the update and pics. Looking forward to seeing ya'll again! WooHoo!