While in Asheville, me and Jenny and the kiddos went to play mini golf. It was Joey's first time. They all enjoyed it, but Kiara and Joey grew bored quickly. Deja was awesome and could have kept playing all day probably.


Pretty sure they're not supposed to be climbing that.

Yes, this is apparently part of mini golf. Kiara and Joey aren't sure what the think of Deja sticking her head in the skull.

This picture didn't come in clear, but it was hilarious that Kiara and Joey stooped to look under the zebra this way.

Deja and Jenny

Jenny and Me.

We got to help the kids play. he he.

The mini golf course goes up a hill that overlooks patton ave. It's a pretty neat view.

He enjoyed it at first, but after a few holes, he was bored and just wanted to run around.
Great pics as always! You always catch everything..LOL..wish you guys were still here.