Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Birthday Boy!

Today was Joey's 3rd birthday (actually, it was just about 3 years and 11 minutes ago that I gave birth to him). Mine and Earl's lives changed (and everyone's lives that are connected to ours) on July 29th at 10:25pm. What a blessing he's been to everyone that loves him!

We spent his birthday at the Norfolk Zoo.

At the entrance to the zoo they have a water feature, with a 20,000 lb. globe that floats on water, and geisers that shoot up from the pavement. This was Joey's favorite part. As much as he loves animals, they didn't not compare to the water fun.

It was so extremely hot that me and mom actually wanted to step in the water too. But we refrained.

I'm sure you can guess how exhausted the boy was on the way home.

He already had 2 birthday parties, so today we just did a little family time with one present: a crab sandbox.

Instead of birthday cake, we tried a new thing: Whoopie Pies. Found the recipe in a parenting magazine somewhere. Mine weren't as pretty as the picture in the magazine, but hopefully they tasted as good! They're basically just cake sandwiches, with icing on the inside. My first batch was a total disaster. The cakes were crumbly and thin and not even circular. Mom was trying to make me feel better saying that Joey would still love 'em. I said, no way, he won't, he saw the picture of how they're supposed to look. She argued that he'd still find them neat. I disagreed. She took the plate to Joey and said, "Look, don't these that your mom is making you look neat?" Joey whined, "uhhhh, those are not whoopie pies!" We laughed. He most certainly did not find them neat or cool at first. Luckily, my mom is a wiz and helped me fix the recipe to work better.

When Earl asked Joey what he wished for, Joey said for more candles.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Little Bit of Virginia

The other day I took Joey to a beach for the first time since we've been in Virginia. This is Chick's Beach, and it's not a tourist place, so not crowded at all (also, no bathrooms). :)

Joey saw Earl wearing his leather riding vest one day and had to put his on too. Everyday he gets more and more adament about copying his daddy.

This was before our stuff was moved in, I think. The back view of part of our house. (And Joey)

I think Joey's 3s are going to be harder than his terrible twos. His attitude is all of a sudden horrible and defiant. He tells me no, when he never used to. And is worse in public than ever!

You wouldn't know that he's not a sweet funny angel all the time just by looking at these pictures though. LOL

Joey took this of Grandma today from the backseat. He LOVES having someone to play in his room with him and hang out in the hammock and whatever else he can convince her to do. We're very glad she's here visiting for the week.

She's been taking some pictures since she's been here, so I stole a few for the blog.

Joey loves hanging out on the hammock with anybody, pretty much. It's so shady and much cooler than the rest of the back yard.

This was me on a work call, in my "office/library."

One side of the kitchen (the other side had too man dirty dishes, so I'm not sharing that photo)

One side of the living room. We haven't set it up how we want it yet, It's not an easy room to work with, with our furniture for some reason.

The front door (and Joey's head).

The other side of the living room. (And Joey)

My messy closet. I'm THRILLED to have a walk-in closet again. It's been a while (since we lived in CA).

The master bedroom half done. It had some leaves on the ground and still stuff lying around that needs to be put away and unpacked.

Joey posing for Grandma on his car bed (he thinks it's lightning mcqueen--shhhh, don't tell him its not.)

Joey in his overcrowded room. He has way too many toys and not much room. But his closet is bigger, too. His room is smaller than in Jacksonville, though.

One side of the back of our house. See Joey's swing parts? And our moving boxes/trash?

The hammock is under those trees.

View from the center back door.

One side of the front of the house (and Joey).

The front view. Wish the lawn was greener.
Yesterday, a funny conversation with Joey took place. Well, everyday that happens, but this is definitely worth sharing. Joey informed Grandma that she, and he named other girls, don't have a pee pee. He also explained and boys, him included, and he named more boys, do have a pee pee. Grandma agreed with him. Joey then says, "Wonder where we get these pee pees? The pee pee store?"
We cracked up. I asked him if that's where he got his and how much did it cost, he said $4.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Water Fun!

We are finally back in VA to get settled into our new home. We had fun the past few days in Asheville with family and friends and getting to spend time with Angie before she deploys.

Joey loves helping out when water is involved.

Sandrina rode Macy and Paige around.

Angie is actually wiping the water out of his eyes, not blowing his nose. Not sure why he loves water so much if he can't stand it getting on his face and eyes.

Man, this little guy makes some of the cutest faces! He really has us cracking up over his expressions.

Angie thought she was on Joey's team while he was squirting everyone else with the hose, until he suddenly turned on her.

Devious. Is that how you spell it? Maybe I should say mischievous.

See what I mean about the faces?

This is him aiming his sights on Paige and Angie.

This is him calling his shot, I guess, like Babe Ruth. He he.

The kids admiring Akira's new puppy.

Joey and Akira on the swing.

Me and Joey getting ready for church last Sunday.

And more birthday pictures: (we just got them from Angie's camera)

Joey's thinking, "Hey guys, can I please play with some of the toys, too?"

Cute Nan, enjoying the breezy weather.

Mom on sandbox duty. :)

The Webbs. :)
