We are finally back in VA to get settled into our new home. We had fun the past few days in
Asheville with family and friends and getting to spend time with Angie before she deploys.

Joey loves helping out when water is involved.
Sandrina rode Macy and Paige around.

Angie is actually wiping the water out of his eyes, not blowing his nose. Not sure why he loves water so much if he can't stand it getting on his face and eyes.

Man, this little guy makes some of the cutest faces! He really has us cracking up over his expressions.

Angie thought she was on Joey's team while he was squirting everyone else with the hose, until he suddenly turned on her.

Devious. Is that how you spell it? Maybe I should say

See what I mean about the faces?

This is him aiming his sights on Paige and Angie.

This is him calling his shot, I guess, like Babe Ruth. He he.

The kids admiring Akira's new puppy.

Joey and Akira on the swing.

Me and Joey getting ready for church last Sunday.
And more birthday pictures: (we just got them from Angie's camera)

Joey's thinking, "Hey guys, can I please play with some of the toys, too?"

Cute Nan, enjoying the breezy weather.

Mom on sandbox duty. :)