Sunday, March 6, 2011


Joey started taking TaeKwonDo lessons last week. He absolutely loves it. This is much better than his experience with Soccer.

Tanner also enjoys TaeKwonDo class.

Parents sit outside the glass, so it's hard to get a good photo without all the glare. There are a few different positions they learned, #1, #2, and #3. Above is #2 I think.

We signed up for the class because there was an awesome deal for 10 classes for only $20, and that included the uniform. I thought he'd probably be bored after 10 classes, but now I'm not so sure. It's looking like we'll be forking out $10 per class after that runs out. They do offer 6 months free for parents to take the adult class, so that they can help the kids at home, but I can't really take that with Tanner. But it's a neat thing for the place to do.

His age group is called the Tiger Cubs. He goes twice a week. It's a 30 minute class which is perfect for his attention span.

His uniform is about 2 sizes too big for him, because he's so petite, so, per his teacher's instruction, he's trying to eat better so he can grow into it. (That worked for a couple days, now he's back to his regular eating habits.)

He gets his first stripe on his belt when he says the TaeKwonDo promise. He'll do that tomorrow. He had it memorized in one day: "TaeKwonDo is for protecting myself. I will not use it if I'm mad or sad. Only if someone tries to hurt me. This is my TaeKwonDo promise."

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