This is Tanner's first time eating rice cereal. He has a bowl every evening now and I think it's really helping him sleep better! For the past week or so, he's been doing great at night. Going 7 hours or so between feedings. It makes such a big difference in my day the next day.
Joey helped Angie put her new tag on her new car before she left for AZ.
Tanner helped Angie with some computer research.
Joey is very into flags right now. Angie got him a book with all state/country flags in it and a poster too and he loves them. He has many countries' flags memorized. He has his favorites (Republic of Georgie and Greece), and he likes to create his own and tape them on a "ba-dute-da-dute" (what he calls those cardboard rolls).
The boys had so much fun with Angie. Joey really got attached to her and was extremely upset to find out she was moving to AZ. Just out of the blue he'd say, "I'm going to miss Angie." In the car when I picked him up from school one day, he was fighting back tears talking about missing her and not wanting her to go. So sweet. And sad!
Tanner's eyes are still dark gray. Some days at certain angles, it looks like there's small brown specks in there, and other days green specks. My eyes used to be brown brown, but somehow over the years they've changed to a hazel or greenish color. Earl's are green. Joey's are brown. No telling what color Tanner will end up with.
These are wonderful close-ups of Tanner! Loved the soccer ones of Joey, too. And I liked Lars haircut too.Thanx for showing them to us. Kiss the grandboys from grandma. Luv u 2!