Angie's visit didn't last nearly long enough, but we're grateful for the time we did get with her.
She had some great bonding time with her nephews. :)

This is the day we had to take her back to the airport.
Tanner got his very first bath, from his daddy.

He really looks almost identical to Joey in some of his pictures.

He just lounged around in his robe and slippers after his bath. ;)
This is where the real updates begin. Oh Joey, where to begin. This boy is a handful--and I mean that in a good way (mostly, he he). He begged for this balloon from the Food Lion checkout line one day. When he got it home, he put it down the back of his shorts, and put on half of one of his hamster balls on top of his head and called this his "costume."

He wore it for days, I think. Then he had a mission to make as many "costumes" as possible. One was a blue pinwheel with half of one of his blue hamster balls on his head. One was just a big lego block that he stood on top of while holding one of his baby Zhu Zhu hamsters in one hand. One costume was the bottom of his Monkey's in a Barrel barrel on his head with a small red polka dotted fleece baby blanket wrapped around himself. The list goes on and on. He made anything and everything into a "costume" and even made us wear some of them.
This is Tanner lounging in his swing after the bath. 
Some mornings we end up with a very crowded bed!

Joey is really enjoying being a big brother. He hasn't started acting out or getting into trouble, but I notice that he is more emotional and sensitive lately. His feelings get hurt a little easier, he doesn't like feeling left out (like when the baby sleeps in our room at night and Joey has to sleep in his room).
She had some great bonding time with her nephews. :)
This is the day we had to take her back to the airport.
Tanner got his very first bath, from his daddy.
He really looks almost identical to Joey in some of his pictures.
He just lounged around in his robe and slippers after his bath. ;)
This is where the real updates begin. Oh Joey, where to begin. This boy is a handful--and I mean that in a good way (mostly, he he). He begged for this balloon from the Food Lion checkout line one day. When he got it home, he put it down the back of his shorts, and put on half of one of his hamster balls on top of his head and called this his "costume."
He wore it for days, I think. Then he had a mission to make as many "costumes" as possible. One was a blue pinwheel with half of one of his blue hamster balls on his head. One was just a big lego block that he stood on top of while holding one of his baby Zhu Zhu hamsters in one hand. One costume was the bottom of his Monkey's in a Barrel barrel on his head with a small red polka dotted fleece baby blanket wrapped around himself. The list goes on and on. He made anything and everything into a "costume" and even made us wear some of them.
This is Tanner lounging in his swing after the bath.
Some mornings we end up with a very crowded bed!
Joey is really enjoying being a big brother. He hasn't started acting out or getting into trouble, but I notice that he is more emotional and sensitive lately. His feelings get hurt a little easier, he doesn't like feeling left out (like when the baby sleeps in our room at night and Joey has to sleep in his room).

Joey is done with school for the summer. His new favorite thing to do is play Super Heroes with his dad. They put the capes on and wear goggles and fly around the house. They are called Super Joey and Super Dad when they are dressed up. Last night, Super Joey wouldn't go to bed. He kept telling me regular Joey wasn't here, so he couldn't go to bed. He said he'd call regular Joey for me. He picked up his play phone and talked to "Regular Joey" who was at the toy store and said he'd be back on June 20th (he has this date memorized because it's when a lot of new Zhu Zhu hamsters get released). He got off the phone and I told him to call Regular Joey back and tell him to come home now for bed. He called back, and was talking really loudly and when he hung up he told his dad, "He was talking really loud." Then he called back one more time and before he hung up, he told Regular Joey "I love you."
We were driving in the car yesterday and was talking about being super heroes. I forgot what I said, but Earl responded to me saying, "you're super mom all the time." And Joey immediately yelled from the back seat, "No you're not!" He didn't mean it to be mean. It was so funny! Apparently, I'm only super when I'm wearing the cape and glasses.
In addition to his wild imagination, he's still getting more smart everyday! He loves reading traffic signs now. He has so many of them memorized. He also loves sounding out words to figure out how to spell them. The other day I overheard him on the toilet saying, "Achoo. Ahhh-ch-ch-ch-ooooooooo. Ahhh, A. Ch, C-H. Ooooo is O-O. A-C-H-O-O." Just like that he figured out, correctly, how to spell that word, all while doing his business on the toilet. He amazes me.
He had an end of the year program for school. I'll get those pictures and videos up next time!
RLOL..Loved the stories AND the pics! Makes me wanna be there again so bad.