Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Bike Trail

We overslept and missed church this morning, so we took Joey to a bike trail nearby at Dismal Swamp to ride his bike. He doesn't ride often, there's really no where for him to do that at home. So at first he wasn't into it, and didn't want to put in the effort to pedal. But after he finally got the hang of it, there was no stopping him. He did not want to go home. I was afraid of sending myself into early labor with all the walking I was doing trying to keep up! he he. Not really, but I wore myself out.

Earl caught Joey kicking Angie's flat tire the other night (don't worry Angie, we'll take care of it). Earl told Joey that he was going to tell Angie and Joey said "No!"

Now that we're on Angie's bad side, let's get on her good side: Joey got a package from Aunt Angie in the mail. He was so excited! He recognizes his name on mail now.

This camel from Iraq even has a removable hat that Joey loves!

He didn't know I was in the room to take this picture of him resting on the camel. So sweet. :) Thanks Angie!

This was a week or so ago. Joey made me take (or help him take) a million gazillion pictures of himself, mostly making funny faces.

This is the huge tumor I have my belly. :) This is from last week I think, at 31 weeks pregnant. My maternity clothes don't fit anymore and I don't want to buy anything new since I only have 4-6 weeks left. I ended up buying some cheap maternity tank tops on sale, and using them under some of my shirts that are too short.


  1. My goodness you look like your gonna pop at the seams! LOL..Your so pretty! I enjoyed seeing Joey riding his back and his new camel. I don't think Angie will mind one bit him kicking her tire, especially since it was flat anyway and no good to anybody. Thanx for sharing..Luv ya--mom

  2. Oh my gosh Gail, your baby is gonna be a football player like Joshua! 10lb 5oz baby like him!
