This is when they found out we were having another boy. I had another Dr.'s appt today and found out that we don't get a scheduled C-section this time. Since I had a classical incision last time (I am cut vertically and horizontally) they don't want to risk me having contractions or going into labor, because my incisions might rupture. So they start at Week 36 (which is either the week of April 12th or April 5th, I'm not sure yet) and do an amnio. Which is where they stick a needle in my belly and draw out amniotic fluid from the placenta. From that, they can tell whether the baby's lungs are fully developed or not. If they are, we will have the c-section the following day. If they are not, then we go back a week later to do another amnio. So, it's kinda like having a regular delivery, in that we have no idea when it will happen! I was so hoping for a definite date, so family could plan on it, but that's not going to happen. So, this new bundle of Joey will be here in about 3 more months instead of 4! We still haven't started thinking of names yet! We better get busy.
ooh, that is earlier....Yayyy!