Monday, November 16, 2009

Making a Tent

One night a week or two ago, before we all got so sick, Joey had the idea that he wanted to make a tent. He usually makes me or Earl get under our quilt on our bed with him, and pretend that's a tent. But this time, Earl helped him use his toy bus to make a tent by layering sheets on top of it. He had so much fun in there with his daddy and even the dogs and his toys. He wasn't ready to leave it when it was bed time and begged to sleep in there. I never thought he'd stay, so I let him make a bed in there and watch a little TV, thinking he'd be ready to get out of there in a few minutes.

I took these pictures before he fell asleep. He loved it.

He fell asleep and stayed there until the middle of the night when he woke up and needed a drink. After that, he laid back in his bed, instead of the tent.

I haven't taken many pictures lately. There really hasn't been anything to take pictures of. We've all been sick lately and are just now getting over it. Joey isn't sleeping through the night yet without massive coughing fits, so none of us is getting enough rest or else we'd probably have recovered a little faster.
Joey's favorite thing to say lately is "actually." He'll use it in any sentence: "I actually picked you some flowers, Mommy." (He loves picking flowers from the backyard for me and making piles around the house.)
Today, I'm 15 weeks along in the pregnancy. We're really looking forward to next month when we find out if we're having a boy or girl. Joey still thinks its a girl, but he gave me a name for in case it's a boy: Jokely. He came up with that all by himself. He's hilarious. He really makes up all kinds of words now. He'll build something out of his blocks and call it the Tower of Hisel (that was tonight), or draw a animal with his markers and say it's a pixel hile (well, maybe not that exact word, but his are so bizarre. I can never remember them.)
And we're so thrilled that Earl's nephew Brian and his wife Hollie have had their precious baby Nicolas. Congrats guys! Can't wait to hold him!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, he's so cute, guess in his mind he's camping out..LOL..I got tickled at his making up words-actually, he's a pretty smart boy!
    WooHoo! We're all eagerly waiting to find out what our newest addition is too.
    Congratulations Brian and Hollie!
