One of Earl's co-workers had a going away this month, he's moving to California. So they did a motorcycle ride and camp-out for him. It was rainy and wet, but we all had fun:
Joey finally got a much-needed haircut:
Tanner learned to push himself up to standing from a box on the floor.
Earl's mom had a medical emergency and we rushed to Georgia while she was in the hospital. She's doing much better now. She had a bacterial infection in her lungs. We hated that she was sick, but we are grateful for the time we got to spend with family down there.
Louise and her grandbabies, Nic and Trey.
Mike, Darlene and baby Trey.
Uncle Mike trying his best to trip Joey up on his dinosaur knowledge. It didnt' work!
Sandra and Joey
Iva Jean and Tanner
Tanner and Nic

Earl holding baby Paige and Tanner.

Joey and Bradley hanging with the cows.
Our great newphew Nic exploring the outdoors.
Earl's mom coming home from the hospital. 

They boys had a blast together. I'm so glad Joey got some valuable cousin time with them.

Earl's mom with Paige and Tanner.

Hunter, Bradley, Joey, Nic and Earl
Earl holding baby Paige and Tanner.
Joey and Bradley hanging with the cows.
Hunter, Bradley, Joey, Nic and Earl
Right now, Tanner loves standing. He learned to pull up also, so he stands everywhere he can. He has at least 2 teeth, and the teething process has been miserable for us all. I never lost so much sleep when Joey was teething. Tanner turned 10 months old yesterday. Joey is still obsessed with dinosaurs and is learning new stuff everyday. He's already reading so much: road signs, cereal boxes, books and anything else with words on them to sound out.