Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I'm a little behind in posts, I think. Here's a few things from this month.

Tanner went in for a check on a boo-boo on his tush. Turns out it was an abscess, so they admitted us to the hospital that day and did surgery the next morning (Saturday the 22nd) to cut and drain it.

He's recovering nicely. His bum is very sore, of course. And we have to work at keeping the site clean because it's in his diaper area. We change the dressing daily. He goes back on Friday hopefully to get the last of the packing out of the wound and be given the go-ahead for baths and business as usual.

In the hospital, everytime a new shift or new nurse/doctor would come to our room, they'd say, "I heard about the mohawk. Let me see." Or something like that. So he was well-known there.

Napping with daddy on the couch.

The boys loving Joey's bathtime.

Tanner started saying Ma-Ma 3 days ago and hasn't stopped. He doesn't seem to know that I am Ma-ma, but I'll take what I can get. He's crawling so fast, following me around the house. He turned 9 months old today.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas in Georgia

Charlie and Joey

Donna's hairstyle for Joey.

Mexican for lunch.

Charlie and his "baby"

Arron and Tanner


Hunter and Earl

Patrick, Hunter, Holly and Nic

Charlie and Chris

Hunter and Heather

Ben and Earl

Tanner, Brian and Nic, and Bradley.

Brian and Tanner
Donna starting the gag gift exchange.

Brian and Chris


Hunter and Joey.

Ready to shift!

Earl and Tanner on the tractor.

Mamaw with Tanner and baby Paige

Tanner loving on Paige

Earl feeding baby Paige

Nancy and her new baby boy, Trey

Hunter, Bradley, Joey

Trey and baby Paige

Louise and her new grandson, Trey

Bradley and Joey