Joey went through a major obsession with lemonade stands (thanks Max & Ruby). He made his own from a box he found. He drew a picture of a lemonade pitcher on it and a glass of lemonade. At first, he kept 3 empty cups on it and had us pretend to get lemonade from him (no charge). Then he talked Earl into taking him to the store one day and getting real lemonade. So then we let him pour us real cups. Then he remembered to charge. First it was a nickel, but he quickly changed it to a quarter when he found a quarter laying around some where.
He is finally over that obsession (although it wasn't too dreadful for us. I don't think I'll need pink lemonade again for a long time, though.)
Joey loved opening his birthday cards, especially the ones with money.
He got armor for his birthday too. That was his new obsession. He was making his own armor out of random wierd toys and things laying around (half of a hamster ball for a hat, etc).

Angie came up on the weekend and gave him some more presents.

He quickly roped her in for some more pretend games. They had to make space helmets.

Joey made this one for Angie.

The things an Aunt has to do for her sweet nephew.

She also learned that if you get Joey games to play with, you must play with him. Over and over and over. He loves his new Hot Potato game. He especially loves with the hot potato begs "Again! Again!"

There is no way the pictures could really capture how hilarious this was. Tanner fell asleep clutching his pacifier holder. His fingers were actually stuck on it and could not slide down. The holder was holding his arm up like this. It looks like his arm is holding the ribbon, but it's the other way around.

While Angie was here, we took a day to go to Water Country USA. It was a lot of fun.

Joey's favorite was Hubba Hubba Highway, which is like a lazy river. It has a current that carries you around. He got very proficient in doing it alone, with no one holding him.

Earl would go get us refills while we were playing in the water sometimes. I caught a picture of him passing us by (I used my zoom, he's actually much farther away).

And then turning around and passing us again. He he. He finally found us.

Joey fell flat on his face coming off one slide. He didn't cry long, don't worry.

We took turns hanging out with Tanner (who slept most of the time).

Joey loved getting his chance to squirt the people going down Hubba Hubba Highway.
Angie came up on the weekend and gave him some more presents.
He quickly roped her in for some more pretend games. They had to make space helmets.
Joey made this one for Angie.
The things an Aunt has to do for her sweet nephew.
She also learned that if you get Joey games to play with, you must play with him. Over and over and over. He loves his new Hot Potato game. He especially loves with the hot potato begs "Again! Again!"
There is no way the pictures could really capture how hilarious this was. Tanner fell asleep clutching his pacifier holder. His fingers were actually stuck on it and could not slide down. The holder was holding his arm up like this. It looks like his arm is holding the ribbon, but it's the other way around.
While Angie was here, we took a day to go to Water Country USA. It was a lot of fun.
Joey's favorite was Hubba Hubba Highway, which is like a lazy river. It has a current that carries you around. He got very proficient in doing it alone, with no one holding him.
And then turning around and passing us again. He he. He finally found us.
We took turns hanging out with Tanner (who slept most of the time).
Joey went for his 4 year checkup the other day. He's 3 ft 3 in tall (in the 19th percentile) and 30 lbs (4th percentile). He had a hard time with the immunizations (probably because of the recent visit to the ER with that abscess. He's all registered for Pre-K, and starts Sept 7th. He's also trying Soccer again this year.