Monday, July 12, 2010

Boo Boos, Boys, and Bouncing!

Josiah had what we thought was a spider bite on his right knee. After the 3rd day or so, when it kept getting worse instead of better, we figured we better take him to be seen. He had been crying with it all day and couldn't even walk on it.

If you look at the above picture, you can see how it first was looking.
Earl took him to the ER on Thursday night, and they determined it was an abscess. So they cut and drained it. They packed it and wrapped it and sent him home.

We went back the next day for a recheck with the same doctor. I waited with Tanner in the lobby while Earl took Joey back. Have you seen the commercial with the interrupting cheese being examined by the lab coat guy? Well, Earl busted up laughing in the ER because the doctor came in and started to say, "How are you doing, Joey?" But before he got it all out, Joey blurted, "Interrupting cheese!!" The doctor also thought it was funny.
They saw it was getting better and prescribed him antibiotics and he has to take 3 soapy baths a day to keep it cleaned. I thought I was doing good to get him bathed 3 times a week, much less in a day! But he's been good about it. Especially after we went and bought him some new bath toys. He loves the baths now. I'll have to get a picture of that.

The day after he spent most of the night in the ER, he was exhausted.

His knee is doing much better. He can bend it just fine now and as you'll see in coming pictures, he has no problem playing on it!

Tanner gets his best sleep on his daddy.

He's so cute, just staring at people and being curious about everything. His eyes are still dark gray. They haven't changed to whatever color they're going to be yet.

He is going through my favorite baby stage: baby talk! I love the gibberish! He coos and goos and does all sorts of talking. He talks to himself, to his bug toys, to his elephants on his bounce chair, to anyone who will listen and talk back.

We went to Kangaroo Jacs today and met some new friends.

Joey played with Aiden and Aiden's little sister, Elaine. They were all so cute together.

They didn't have quarters, but that didn't stop them from playing (and spending 20 minutes or so on) the race car game.

When Tanner woke up at Kangeroo Jacs, he had lots of smiles for me!

And when we got home, he had even more smiles and laughs for his daddy!

Tanner went to the doctor last week for help with his gas pains and reflux. They increased his dosage of Zantac. We'll see if that helps. Last night he did sleep much better than usual. He slept in his crib all night for the first time, and had a 5 hour stretch between feedings. That was wonderful! He didn't keep me or himself up all night with the gas pains and grunting either. I pray this improvement lasts and isn't just a one-night fluke.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Independence Day

These are in backwards order, but I forgot to start with the last ones first, since they upload this way. We went to Mt Trashmore in Virginia Beach to watch the fireworks last night. The boys had a great time. I had a great time. It was fun! We sat by the lake. Joey got to bounce on a bounce house they had there. The weather cooled off and there was a nice breeze and a band played near us.

Tanner stayed awake most of the time. He fell asleep right when it got dark, but woke up during fireworks. He wasn't really interested in watching them, though. He was more into looking at his little bug toy that hangs from his car seat. It's the same one that Joey had as a baby and loved.

While the band played, Joey would put his glow stick up to my mouth so I could sing into the "microphone." He danced, the cutest silliest dances, while I sang. Tanner's arms fling around, so we decided Tanner was playing the drums for us. We had a fun little band. :)

Joey couldn't stop running around and being silly. He had a fun time.

This is when we first got there. By night fall, the hill was so crowded, you couldn't tell which people were together, they were all mashed into one big crowd. Luckily, where we were, at the bottom of the hill, wasn't crowded at all.

My silly Joey getting ready for fireworks!

Tanner's first outfit of the day, before his constant vomitting soaked him through.

The matching shirts for fireworks.