My yard is covered in this huge hideous spiders! I find them everywhere! They mulitply faster than rabbits! Ewww, I hate them. Today I found this one IN MY KITCHEN!

I don't know what kind it is, but if anyone knows...tell me!

Yesterday was Joey's picture day at preschool. I tried to get some shots of how handsome he looked before he left (because I was sure he'd look like a crazy mess by the time pictures were taken), but he wasn't into it. And the lightening from the windows was messing up the pics and we were already running late.

This is Joey and Red Bear. This is his new "Green Daddy." Kinda. He sleeps with Bear and takes him everywhere, sits him at the breakfast table every morning while he eats. He took him to get his flu mist. He takes him in stores. Everywhere. He still has Green Daddy and plays with him, but Red Bear is the one he's attached to at the moment.

My handsome honey. :)
We have a field trip on monday to a pumpkin patch, so I can't wait to take those pictures. And then me and Joey are taking a trip to PA while Earl's in the field, to visit some friends from Lejeune that moved before we did.
Joey gets his photo proofs back next week sometime, so I can't wait to see how they turned out!